Sunday, August 17, 2008

The infinity of numbers

It is incredible that a number starts from a zero. Have you ever wonder why the numbers has no ending? If you start with (plus) +1 or if you start with (minus) -1 onwards, either way it has no ending. Something we should all ponder for a moment in our life and start counting our blessings rather than feeling miserable all the time. If you count all your blessing and keep adding on to all the good things you have done, continue to add on rather than feeling miserable in counting what you do not have or could not have. You have a choice to choose and choose them wisely in order for you to keep adding positiveness in your life. Food for thought:

Recipe for Happiness

Two heaping cups of patience.
One heart full of love.
Two hands full of generosity
One head full of understanding
A dash of humour.
Sprinkle with kindness
Add plenty of faith.
And mix them well
Spread over a period of lifetime
And serve to everyone you meet!

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